Assessment of Heavy Metals and Organics in Municipal Solid Waste Leachates from Landfills with Different Ages in Jordan

Malyuba Abu-Daabes, Hani Abu Qdais, Hatem Alsyouri
2013 Journal of Environmental Protection  
A comprehensive assessment of heavy metals and organic content was performed for leachates produced from a number of old and new landfills in Jordan over 9 month in efforts to set a framework for treatment regulations. All leachates were basic (pH = 7 -9) and have high electric conductivity and high organic contents (COD = 3000 -500,000 mg/L, TOC= 500 -21,000 mg/L). The organic content was inversely proportional to the age of landfill. Heavy metals analysis showed no significant threat of Co,
more » ... , Pb and Al in any site. Meanwhile, the concentrations of Cr, Mn, Ni, Cd and As were high, exceeding local and international standard limits. Typical physical, chemical and biological treatments can be employed to upgrade the leachates of the active Ghabawi and Akaider sites. Whereas for the high organic strength of Russeifeh, an adsorption treatment by activated carbon is recommended.
doi:10.4236/jep.2013.44041 fatcat:2ifuclqnpbh53at2rqgmwneadm