An Empirical Study of Railroad Technology Improvement Using AHP and QFD
AHP와 QFD를 이용한 철도기술 개선에 관한 실증적 연구

Hyun Jung Kim, Soo Wook Kim
2013 Journal of the Korean society for quality management  
Purpose: This study aims to determine the needs of customers who use railroads as a mode of transportation and propose customer-oriented improvements in railroad technology by making connections between customer needs and railroad technology. Methods: We primarily used two methods for this study, AHP and QFD. First, AHP was used to evaluate the relative importance among the different components of railroad technology. Second, the QFD was applied to make a link between customer needs and
more » ... technology. Results: Railroad technology is largely divided into development, maintenance, and support. Empirical results showed the following improvement priorities in development, vehicle, system, line, signal/communication, power, and structure, in maintenance, vehicle, signal/communication, line, process, power, and structure, and in support, safety/precaution, management, environmental energy, operations/logistics, and station. Conclusion: Recognizing limitations in measuring the level of railroad technology when using the existing 'Technology Growth Model,' we used AHP and QFD to explore improvement directions for customer-oriented railroad technology. By offering customer-oriented services based on this study, railroad service providers will be able to acquire competitive advantage in the market.
doi:10.7469/jksqm.2013.41.2.301 fatcat:hjd3atn2ebcchbk6npgn6v4i2e