Hypofractionated radiotherapy regimens after organ-sparing surgery for stages I–IIa breast cancer

Yu. V. Efimkina, I. A. Gladilina, M. I. Nechushkin, O. V. Kozlov
2014 Opuholi Ženskoj Reproduktivnoj Sistemy  
The results of basic clinical randomized trials of hypofractionated (HF) radiotherapy (R T) regimens used after organ-sparing su rgery for Stages I-IIa breast cancer (BC) were analyzed. The HF adjuvant RT regimens were shown to be safe and an alternative to the standard RT in patients with BC after organ-saving operations.
doi:10.17650/1994-4098-2011-0-3-45-53 doaj:b3f7454a53e54e608db9b4af1c0c98b0 fatcat:idjocznzp5aatchmaoxfcvniki