Mass Cultivation and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Rhodobacter capsulatus PS-2
광합성세균 Rhodobater capsulatus PS-2의 대량배양 최적화 및 대사산물 분석

Ki Moon Bong, Jong Min Kim, Jae-Hong Yoo, In Chul Park, Chul Won Lee, Pyoung Il Kim
2016 KSBB Journal  
Plant growth promoting (PGP) hormones, which are produced in a small quantity by bacteria, affect in plant growth and development. PGPs play an important role on the crop productivity in agricultural field. In this study, a photosynthetic bacterial strain producing the PGP was isolated from paddy soil. Bacterial isolate was gram negative, rod-shaped and motility positive. From the 16s rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolate was identified as Rhodobacter capsulatus PS-2. The mass cultivation of
more » ... R. capsulatus PS-2 was optimized by considering of the carbon, nitrogen and inorganic salt sources. Optimal medium composition was determined as Na-succinate 4.5 g, yeast extract 5 g, K 2 HPO 4 1 g, MgSO 4 5 g , per liter. From the result of 500 L fermentation for 2 days using the optimal medium, the viable cells were 8.7×10 9 cfu/mL. R. capsulatus PS-2 strain produced the carotenoid and indole-3acetic acid (IAA). The carotenoid extraction and quantitative analysis were performed by HCl-assisting method. Total caro-tenoid contents from R. capsulatus PS-2 culture broth were measured as 7.02±0.04 and 6.93±0.05 mg/L under photoheterotrophic and chemoheterotrophic conditions, respectively. To measure the productivity of IAA, colorimetric method was employed using Salkowski reagent at optical density 535 nm. The results showed that the highest content of IAA was 197.44 ±5.92 mg/L in the optimal medium supplemented with 0.3% tryptophan.
doi:10.7841/ksbbj.2016.31.3.158 fatcat:pmqi366ogrdexdehzpwfjfdh4a