Turbidity of deuterated isobutyric acid and heavy water in the one‐phase region near the critical solution point

Lori W. DaMore, D. T. Jacobs
1992 Journal of Chemical Physics  
i We have measured the total light scattered from a mixture of deuterated isobutyric acid and heavy water (deuterium oxide, D, 0) near its upper critical solution point. The resulting turbidity was measured in a reduced temperature region 10e6 < t < lo-*, where t = ( T -T, )/T, and T, is the critical solution temperature, in a sample close to the critical composition. This completely deuterated mixture near its critical point exhibits similar properties to the undeuterated mixture and the
more » ... ity can be explained using an Ising model. When the critical exponents Y and y were fixed at the values predicted from renormalization-group theory, the amplitude &, of the correlation length was determined to be 0.343 t 0.024 nm, while the amplitude of the turbidity r" was (3.51 f 0.03) X lO-'j cm-', which seem consistent with two-scale-factor universality predictions. 464
doi:10.1063/1.463592 fatcat:qolc2bgugnhw3aossekf44qanu