Should Monetary Policy Use Long-Term Rates?

Mariano Kulish
2007 The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics  
This paper studies two roles that long-term nominal interest rates can play in the conduct of monetary policy in a New Keynesian model. The first allows long-term rates to enter the reaction function of the monetary authority. The second considers the possibility of using long-term rates as instruments of policy. It is shown that in both cases a unique rational expectations equilibrium exists. Reacting to movements in long yields does not improve macroeconomic performance as measured by the
more » ... function. However, long-term rates turn out to be better instruments when the relative concern of the monetary authority for inflation volatility is high. * I am indebted to Peter Ireland for his help and support. I also wish to thank, Pierluigi Balduzzi,
doi:10.2202/1935-1690.1558 fatcat:d4xknh2hlreibomjlriwohk72e