Pararsenolamprite, a new polymorph of native As, from the Mukuno mine, Oita Prefecture, Japan

S. Matsubara, R. Miyawaki, M. Shimizu, T. Yamanaka
2001 Mineralogical magazine  
Pararsenolamprite, the third polymorph of native As, is found at the Mukuno mine, Oita Prefecture, Japan. It is orthorhombic, Pmn21 or P21 nm, a = 3.633(2), b = 10.196(2), c= 10.314(2)Å, Z = 18. The seven strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are: 5.17 (100) (002), 4.60 (24) (012), 3.259 (58) (013), 2.840 (27) (032), 2.580 (22) (004), 2.299 (23) (024), and 1.794 (26) (105). Electron microprobe analysis gives As 91.89, Sb 7.25, S 0.48, total 99.62 wt.% (mean of 8), and lead to
more » ... he empirical formula, As0.96Sb0.03S0.01. It is lead grey in colour and opaque with metallic lustre and black streak. It is sectile and brittle with perfect cleavage on [001]. The VHN25 is 66–91 kg/mm2, corresponding to 2–2.5 in Mohs' hardness scale. The measured and calculated densities are 5.88(5) g/cm3 and 6.01 g/cm3, respectively. In reflected plane-polarized light in air, it is white with a slightly greenish blue tint. Anisotoropy is strong, dark brown to dark greenish grey. Bireflectance is distinct; parallel to elongation it is creamy; perpendicular to elongation it is brown, grey and green. Internal reflections are absent. The reflectance spectra are tabulated in the text. Pararsenolamprite occurs as euhedral crystals in close association with arsenic, stibnite and quartz in a Sb-As-Ag-Au-bearing quartz vein cutting altered Neogene andesite from the Mukuno mine. It forms radial or parallel aggregates of bladed cystals up to 0.8 mm in length.
doi:10.1180/0026461016560011 fatcat:p5j6gs3htvd5pcwgiee6rjhg3i