Pavlin B. Entchev, Dimitris C. Lagoudas, Oleg P. Iliev
2000 Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials  
The oxidation process in metals governed by oxygen diffusion is modeled in this paper for 2-D domains with sharp corners. The emphasis of the paper is on discussing efficient numerical algorithms for simulating two dimensional oxide layer formation at an internal wedge tip. Two numerical algorithms for computing oxide layer growth are presented. The first algorithm is based on transforming the computational domain into a rectangular one, and then applying a finite difference scheme for the
more » ... formed equations. The second algorithm is based on a finite element discretization of the original domain with locally refined grid near the wedge surface. Results from the numerical simulations are presented and discussed.
doi:10.1515/jmbm.2000.11.4.275 fatcat:gqfzlcjhtrcttlekjchc5ebn3u