Partial wave analysis of the reaction γp→pω and the search for nucleon resonances

M. Williams, D. Applegate, M. Bellis, Curtis Meyer
An event-based partial wave analysis (PWA) of the reaction γp→pω has been performed on a high-statistics dataset obtained using the CLAS at Jefferson Lab for center-of-mass energies from threshold up to 2.4 GeV. This analysis benefits from access to the world's first high-precision spin-density matrix element measurements, available to the event-based PWA through the decay distribution of ω→π+π-π0. The data confirm the dominance of the t-channel π0 exchange amplitude in the forward direction.
more » ... e dominant resonance contributions are consistent with the previously identified states F15(1680) and D13(1700) near threshold, as well as the G17(2190) at higher energies. Suggestive evidence for the presence of a JP=5/2+ state around 2 GeV, a "missing" state, has also been found. Evidence for other states is inconclusive.
doi:10.1184/r1/6507881 fatcat:l4gfl4lh75cjrpnp6ndzule6u4