Japanese learners' processing time for reading English relative clauses analyzed in relation to their English listening proficiency

Yoshinori Oyama
2011 Shrinigaku kenkyu  
Japanese learners' processing time for reading English relative clauses analyzed in relation to their English listening proficiency Yoshinori Oyama (Seigakuin University) The present study examined Japanese university students' processing time for English subject and object relative clauses in relation to their English listening proficiency. In Analysis 1, the relation between English listening proficiency and reading span test scores was analyzed. The results showed that the high and low
more » ... ing comprehension groups' reading span test scores do not differ. Analysis 2 investigated English listening proficiency and processing time for sentences with subject and object relative clauses. The results showed that reading the relative clause ending and the main verb section of a sentence with an object relative clause (such as "attacked" and "admitted" in the sentence "The reporter that the senator attacked admitted the error") takes less time for learners with high English listening scores than for learners with low English listening scores. In Analysis 3, English listening proficiency and comprehension accuracy for sentences with subject and object relative clauses were examined. The results showed no significant difference in comprehension accuracy between the high and low listening-comprehension groups. These results indicate that processing time for English relative clauses is related to the cognitive processes involved in listening comprehension, which requires immediate processing of syntactically complex audio information.
doi:10.4992/jjpsy.82.150 pmid:21735725 fatcat:236mzpk5wfenzaepyjm7jaluoi