قلق المستقبل وعلاقته بجودة الحیاة والأمن النفسى لدى عینة من طلاب الثانویة العامة بظل جائحة کورونا. Future anxiety and its relationship to quality of life and psychological security among a sample of high school students in the shadow of the Corona pandemic

بهیة جمعة السید ندا ندا
2021 مجلة مرکز الخدمة للاستشارات البحثیة واللغات  
randomly selected, their ages ranged from (16-18) years, and the research relied on the curriculum Descriptive analytical and correlative descriptive approach, and the research relied on the future anxiety scale: prepared by Zainab Shukair (2005), and (15) items were used from the World Health Organization scale to measure quality of life (1995), and it was relied on Maslow's Scale of Feeling -Unfeeling Psychological security) prepared by Maslow and the Arabization of (Dawani and Dirani) in
more » ... . The results of the study revealed a positive and statistically significant correlation between the dimensions of the future anxiety scale and the total score, and the quality of life under the Corona pandemic was negatively and significant. Statistically with the dimensions of the future anxiety scale and the total score of the scale. Psychological security was also negatively and statistically significant with the dimensions of the future anxiety scale and the total score of the future anxiety scale. The quality of life and psychological security were also positively correlated. There are differences between the average scores of students in the variable (quality of life) in favor of (males), and there are no differences between the members of the study sample according to the gender variable in (psychological security, future anxiety and its subdimensions). It is possible to predict future anxiety through the quality of life and psychological security of the High school students (study sample).
doi:10.21608/jocr.2022.143388.1088 fatcat:nkme2qvorbf6bmwz6hdkns4kai