International management skills for small business: the development of the construct of international capability

Peter Townsend, Caroline Wan, Huay Jun Poh
Globalisation and recently formalised free-trade agreements have diversified the cultural environment of small business managers. Managers with international experiences and desirable international management competencies are increasingly sought after not only by multinational corporations, but also by small businesses, which find themselves competing in the global arena in their homeland. This paper, thus, identifies the factors relevant to the interpersonal skills of international managers.
more » ... e factors are derived from previous elements described in the research literature, which conceptualises them through the theoretical construct of International Capability using the capability framework.The contributions of this research to the body of entrepreneurship literature are: the creation of the theoretical construct of International Capability and the application of a capability framework to the analysis of interpersonal skills of international managers. For this research, a sample of international students in the Asia Pacific Basin, studying an international business degree was utilised for the data analysis, which consisted of quantitative surveys and confirmatory factor analysis.
doi:10.4225/03/5934cf7dd6bab fatcat:f3u3jbhx2jdsfcpgh3im3dy7kq