Urinary Excretion of Retinol and Tocopherol by Young Japanese Women

Kazuko Hirai, Yoshimi Ohno, Yoko Aoki, Minako Kakesu, Masako Maeda, Reiko Takezoe, Seiko Mizuno, Mamoru Nakanishi
2004 Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition  
The urinary excretion and serum levels of retinol (Ret) and tocopherol (Toc) of 33 female university students were measured and their relationship examined. Serum and urinary levels of the kidney function parameters examined were within the normal ranges tively, and the Ret level showed a positive correlation with the level of Toc (r=0.45, p<0.01). Urinary excretion concentrations over 24 h (24hU) of Ret and Toc were 635 pg/ml tively. In urinary 2nd-spot excretion (2ndU), the concentrations
more » ... 755 pg/ml for Ret and 2.77 ng/ml for Toc and the total excretion amounts of Ret and Toc were 129 and 459 ng for the total volume of 2ndU, respectively. Serum levels of Ret and Toc were not correlated with urinary excretion in 24hU and 2ndU. The urinary excretion concentration of Ret or Toc was not statistically different between those in 24hU and 2ndU, respectively. Urinary concentration of Ret in 24hU correlated with the total amounts of Ret in 24hU, and with the urinary concentration of Ret in 2ndU (r=0.56 and r=0.57, p<0.001, respectively). Also, 24 h urinary concentration for Toc was correlated with the total amounts of Toc in 24hU, and with the urinary concentration of Toc in 2ndU (r=0.41, p<0.05 and r=0.68, p<0.001, respectively). Urinary Ret concentration of 24hU or 2ndU was correlated with the concentration of Toc excretion in the 24 h or 2nd-spot urine (r=0.52, p<0.01 and r=0.57, p<0.001, respectively). Urine excretion concentrations of Ret and Toc showed a positive correlation with the levels of urinary creatinine (r=0.73 and r=0.75, p<0.001, respectively) and urea nitrogen (r=0.53 and r=0.46, p<0.01, respectively) of the kidney function index. This study shows that the urinary excretion of Ret and Toc was independent of their serum status, and that the urinary excretion concentration and total amounts of Ret and Toc of 24hU can be estimated from those of 2ndU.
doi:10.3164/jcbn.34.1 fatcat:v5aiu4h3s5aszjfiufs5kiobq4