مؤشرات الكفاءة لماشیة اللبن المزرعیة فی مصر وتقییم إحلال الأبقار الخلیط محل الأبقار البلدیة

أمانی محمود الحسینی, جمال محمد صیام البغدادی, فیكتور فارس عیاد شاكر, محمد خضر محمد حجازی
2022 المجلة المصریة للاقتصاد الزراعی  
Milk is an important source of animal protein for humans ,It became clear from data of agricultural census that 92% of The total number of holdings of municipal cows And mixed or foreign cows and buffaloes Falls in the Possessive category For less than an acre to 4 acres For less than five acres Owns 87% of the total number of animals (calculated with the animal unit )The average number of animals in the holding of these holdings was estimated at about 1.8, Also, the total number of cows was
more » ... imated on average at about 4.7 million heads, and the average number of buffaloes was estimated at about 3.5 million heads. The number of local cows represented 30%, mixtures 24%, foreigners 2% and buffaloes 44% of the total number of animals, and the amount of milk produced was estimated The total milk production of cows is about 2.8 million tons of milk for the average period of the study and about 2.4 million tons of milk from buffaloes, such as the production of municipal cows, of which about 15%, the mixture is 30%, the foreign one is 8%, and the buffalo is 47% of the total amount of milk produced , with estimate Indicators of the economic efficiency of each of the cows, mixtures and buffaloes The best indicators were in the mixed foreign breed, followed by the municipal buffalo in second place, and the third and final place for the municipal cows in terms of dairy production.
doi:10.21608/meae.2022.162858.1093 fatcat:v2vlmiaewfhgbf74mx6ymawuqq