Research on the Efficiency of Testing a New Adsorbent Material with Cellulose Structure for the Depollution of Waste Water

Raluca Elena Ginghina, Dionezie Bojin, Tudor Viorel Tiganescu, Nicoleta Petrea, Simona Bungau, Danut-Eugeniu Mosteanu
2020 Materiale plastice  
The global concern in wastewater recycling technologies has grown steadily since the early 1990s and is gaining more and more interest due to the increase in water supply needs. This growing need affects many global regions and leads to an increase in the strictness of environmental regulation, both in developing and developed countries. Many countries, cities and local governments are trying to recycle wastewater as a potential source of water for various uses, especially non-potable uses,
more » ... as land use, water for toilets and industrial processes. Analysts and statisticians around the world are trying to provide a perspective on an industry that is poised to see significant developments in the next decade. The researches summarize the experimental tests carried out using a new cellulosic adsorbent material to purify the wastewater resulted from the industrial processes for leather manufacturing. The study highlights the influence of the pH used for the wastewater depollution. The tracked and measured parameters include the pH, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, ammoniac nitrogen, organic compounds extractable in organic solvents and the solid residue adsorbed by the material. The obtained values were discussed in concordance with the national legislation for wastewater treatment and the levels accepted for releasing the used water in the surface waters.
doi:10.37358/mp.20.1.5340 fatcat:7nzrkwjpufcozllyvy54evmis4