A non-stationary MIMO vehicle-to-vehicle channel model based on the geometrical T-junction model

Ali Chelli, Matthias Patzold
2009 2009 International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing  
In this paper, we derive a non-stationary multipleinput multiple-output (MIMO) vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) channel model from the geometrical T-junction model. The propagation environment is assumed to be extremely non-isotropic. The proposed channel model takes into account double-bounce scattering from fixed scatterers. Due to the movement of the transmitter and the receiver, the angles of departure (AoD) and the angles of arrival (AoA) are time-variant, which makes our model nonstationary. In
more » ... der to study the statistical properties of the proposed channel model, we make use of the Choi-Williams distribution. Analytical solutions are provided for the generalized local autocorrelation function (ACF), the time-frequency distribution, and the local space cross-correlation function (CCF). The proposed channel model is very useful for the design and analysis of future MIMO V2V communication systems. 978-1-4244-5668-0/09/$25.00
doi:10.1109/wcsp.2009.5371438 fatcat:yzjwyuhvybakfm4ybi3q6yrk7e