Generalized parton distributions from the off-forward Compton amplitude in lattice QCD

Alec Hannaford-Gunn, Kadir Utku Can, Roger Horsley, Yoshifumi Nakamura, Holger Perlt, Paul E. L. Rakow, Hinnerk Stüben, Gerrit Schierholz, Ross D. Young, James M. Zanotti, CSSM/QCDSF/UKQCD Collaboration
2022 Physical review / D 105(1)  
We determine the properties of generalized parton distributions (GPDs) from a lattice QCD calculation of the off-forward Compton amplitude (OFCA). By extending the Feynman-Hellmann relation to second-order matrix elements at off-forward kinematics, this amplitude can be calculated from lattice propagators computed in the presence of a background field. Using an operator product expansion, we show that the deeply virtual part of the OFCA can be parametrized in terms of the low-order Mellin
more » ... s of the GPDs. We apply this formalism to a numerical investigation for zero-skewness kinematics at two values of the soft momentum transfer, $t=-1.1,-2.2 GeV^2$, and a pion mass of $m_π≈470 MeV$. The form factors of the lowest two moments of the nucleon GPDs are determined, including the first lattice QCD determination of the n=4 moments. Hence we demonstrate the viability of this method to calculate the OFCA from first principles, and thereby provide novel constraint on the x- and t-dependence of GPDs.
doi:10.3204/pubdb-2022-01015 fatcat:ln26ogkas5ai3d5g5in7i6ulhe