Absolute photoionization cross-section measurements of the Kr I isoelectronic sequence

D. Kilbane, F. Folkmann, J.-M. Bizau, C. Banahan, S. Scully, H. Kjeldsen, P. van Kampen, M. W. D. Mansfield, J. T. Costello, J. B. West
2007 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
Photoionization spectra have been recorded in the 4s, 4p and 3d resonance regions for the Kr Iisoelectronic sequence using both the dual laser produced plasma technique (at DCU) to produce photoabsorption spectra, and the merged ion beam and synchrotron radiation technique (at ASTRID) to measure absolute photoionization cross sections. Profile parameters are compared for the 4s − np resonances of Rb + and Sr 2+ . Many new 4p → ns, md transitions are identified with the aid of Hartree-Fock
more » ... ations, and consistent quantum defects are observed for the various ns and md Rydberg series. Absolute single and double photoionization cross sections recorded in the 3d region for Rb + and Sr 2+ ions show preferential decay via double photoionization. This is only the second report where both the DLP technique and the merged beam technique have been used simultaneously to record photoionization spectra, and the advantages of both techniques (i.e. better resolution in the case of DLP and values for absolute photoionization cross sections in the case of the merged beam technique) are highlighted.
doi:10.1103/physreva.75.032711 fatcat:pailce2zx5hn3lcurlimbtyk54