Transport Characteristics of Ultrahigh Bulk Density Granules by Shot Type Plug Flow Transporter

Moriyoshi Konami, Shigeho Tanaka, Akira Iwai, Kanji Matsumoto
2001 Journal of the Society of Powder Technology Japan  
A new type of pneumatic transport system, which is called "shot type plug flow transporter", was developed for the transport of ultrahigh bulk density granules. The shot type transporter was characterized by the transport of single plug, and the transport characteristics of tungsten carbide granules of high bulk density were investigated by observing the plug movement in a pipeline. The following results were obtained: (1) the plug length was controlled by the pressure in a feed tank and feed
more » ... me, (2) the plug was stably transported with small fluctuations in plug length, plug velocity and bulk density in the pipeline except the initial stage of transport, (3) the shot type transport reduced the attrition of granules compared to the conventional plug flow transport, (4) the limiting (i. e. choke) conditions, such as the maximum plug length, the lowest air velocity and the maximum fraction of fine powder under 150 t m were determined.
doi:10.4164/sptj.38.236 fatcat:6fvrit574fbqppnrlgvman3thi