Soviet Cinema in Cinema Art Journal (1967)

2017 International Journal of Media and Information Literacy  
The analysis of the articles of magazine Cinema Art -1967 identified the following key film criticism trends: -Despite the folding thaw effects, the magazine tried to keep the ideological position of the late 1950s -early 1960s; -The authors of the magazine tried to analyze the most notable works of the Soviet cinema, even criticized certain shortcomings in the films of famous and influential at that time masters of the screen; -Paying tribute to the inevitable Soviet propaganda rhetoric, the
more » ... gazine could afford to publish informative theoretical and sociological discussion, and the texts of outstanding script; -However, in some cases, the magazine could (perhaps by order "from above") cause painful a critical blow to the talented work screen. In general, the Cinema Art (1967) was a kind of typical model of the Soviet humanities journals (with the entire obligatory bow to censorship) that try to stay in the position of "socialism with a human face".
doi:10.13187/ijmil.2017.2.79 fatcat:hsumheeklze7tmnomjntmj6dfe