Hydrolytic and Thermal Degradation of PCL and PCL/Bentonite Compounds

Danyelle Campos França, Elieber Barros Bezerra, Dayanne Diniz de Souza Morais, Edcleide Maria Araújo, Renate Maria Ramos Wellen
2016 Materials Research  
The effect of MMT and OMMT on the degradability of PCL injected specimens was investigated in vacuum at 40 o C for up to 45 days and in aqueous medium at 40 o C for up to 45 days. Selected specimens were collected after 15, 30 and 45 days of exposure. Microstructural changes were monitored during the degradation experiment by means of melt flow rate (MFR), weight loss, X ray diffraction (XRD), mechanical properties, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). PCL and its compounds revealed not to
more » ... prone to hydrolytic degradation with similar results for MFR of samples exposed in vacuum and water. Gain and loss of weight were observed during experiments, probably due to swelling mechanism taking place in two stages, with the amorphous phase being the first to be swelled followed by the crystalline one. By XRD a new peak corresponding to (002) plane was evident for PCL/OMMT. PCL proved to be resistant to degradation since experiments carried out in vacuum or in aqueous medium for up to 45 days were not enough to affect the mechanical integrity of PCL samples.
doi:10.1590/1980-5373-mr-2015-0797 fatcat:ltd5zvp4wbeidaxotmc2loaqai