Comparative Analysis and Design of Regular and Irregular Building and its Behaviour at Different Earthquake Zone by Using Etabs and Rcdc Software

Vedantee Prasad Shukla, Sayali Pradeep Rote, Manoj Bharat Kamble
2018 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development  
In civil structure static analysis is perform for R.C.C frame regular and irregular building upto G+15 storey by using "Response Spectrum Method". The problems introduced due to discontinuity in stiffness, mass and geometry of structure.IS codes are used for design of various civil engineering structures and their specification. These elements are designed by using software ETABS. And consider seismic load and wind load. For load combination use code IS 1893:2002. Irregular building is compared
more » ... in all four zones. The designing has been carried out in ETABS software (software that deals with analysing and designing of structures. This software is easy to understand for user). All the building structure and modelled analysed and then designed for all four zones. All model are analysis in ETABS so design in RCDC software and their results are obtained in all seismic zones. The base shear force, volume of concrete, weight of steel and cost effectiveness have been calculated to depict all the differences in structure behaviour when analysed design in all four zones by using ETABS and RCDC software.
doi:10.31142/ijtsrd14539 fatcat:bppuf6l6oncxphyshlchwxzoye