A Pilot Study of the Relationship Between Parenting Style and Academic Procrastination Among Final Year Students of Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

Fasya Sulaiman, Mohammad Mujaheed Hassan
2019 Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities  
Academic procrastination is a behaviour which can be defined as putting off, delay, prolong, defer, stall, or postpone in performing tasks related to the academic. Academic procrastination is not a new phenomenon but it is a common behaviour especially among students as previous research has found that approximately 75% of students consider themselves as procrastinators. This issue is very much related to the "Student Syndrome" where student only starts to make themselves work in completing the
more » ... task instantly right before the due date and leaving them with a very short period of time to complete it. There were many previous researchers that had investigated the factors that causing academic procrastination and one of the most common factors are parenting style. However, the pattern of the previous results was inconsistent. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate in deep on the relationship between the motivational aspects of parenting style to academic procrastination with focusing among the undergraduate students who are in their final year from Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia. The research design of this study is a quantitative research and for that reason, a set of questionnaire was distributed to 148 respondents. Result shows that 52.7% of the final year students perceived at high level of academic procrastination. Apart from that, the result also shows that there is no significant relationship between gender and parenting styles to academic procrastination. As a conclusion, academic procrastination is a common behaviour among final year students. However, parenting styles does not affecting academic procrastination due to the students' age which can be categorised as early adulthood which at this age, parenting style factors does not give an impact on academic procrastination.
doi:10.47405/mjssh.v4i7.314 fatcat:2traug3zz5bffkei263mw2brfm