An Estimation Method of Measuring Image Quality for Compressed Images of Human Face

Abhishek Bhattacharya, Tanusree Chatterjee
2014 International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology  
Nowadays digital image compression and decompression techniques are very much important. So our aim is to calculate the quality of face and other regions of the compressed image with respect to the original image. Image segmentation is typically used to locate objects and boundaries (lines, curves etc.)in images. After segmentation the image is changed into something which is more meaningful to analyze. Using Universal Image Quality Index(Q),Structural Similarity Index(SSIM) and Gradient-based
more » ... tructural Similarity Index(G-SSIM) it can be shown that face region is less compressed than any other region of the image.
doi:10.14445/22312803/ijctt-v7p144 fatcat:24lzuij7ajf5xllv4hi5x6whpu