JPR volume 27 issue 2 Cover and Back matter
Journal of Applied Probability
The Editorial Board would like to encourage the submission to the Advances of review papers summarising and coordinating recent results in any of the fields of applied probability. In addition to these review papers, Advances is also designed to be a medium of publication for ( 1) longer research papers in applied probability, which may include expository material, (2) expository papers on branches of mathematics of interest to probabilists, (3) papers outlining areas in the biological,
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... , social and technological sciences in which probability models can be usefully developed, (4) papers in applied probability presented at conferences which do not publish their proceedings, and finally, (5) letters to the editor on any appropriate topic in applied probability. In short, the main function of Advances is to define areas of recent progress and potential development in applied probability. As with the Journal of Applied Probability, Advances undertakes to publish papers accepted by the Editors within 15 months of their submission; letters to the editor will normally be published more rapidly. Volume 22 No.2 of Advances contains the following papers: PHILIPPE PICARD AND CLAUDE LEFEVRE. A unified analysis of the final size and severity distribution in collective Reed-Frost epidemic processes J. M. McNAMARA. The policy which maximises long-term survival of an animal faced with the risks of starvation and predation SIDNEY RESNICK AND RISHIN ROY. Multivariate extremal processes, leader processes and dynamic choice models PETER HALL AND INGE KOCH. On continuous image models and image analysis in the presence of correlated noise S. T. RACHEV AND L. ROSCHENDORF. Approximation of sums by compound Poisson distributions with respect to stop-loss distances C. DONATI-MARTIN. Le probleme de Buffon-Synge pour une corde DOUGLAS P. KENNEDY AND' ROBERT P. KERTZ. Limit theorems for threshold-stopped random variables with applications to optimal stopping GORDON SIMONS AND YI-CHING YAO. Some results on the bomber problem RICHARD J. BOUCHERIE AND NICO M. VAN DIJK. Spatial birth-death processes with multiple changes and applications to batch service networks and clustering processes R. SCHASSBERGER. The steady-state appearance of the MIGll queue under the discipline of shortest remaining processing time Subscription rates (per volume) for the Advances in 1990 are the same as for the Journal (see inside back cover). A discount of 10% is allowed to subscribers who order current issues of both the Journal and Advances at the same time direct from the Applied Probability Office. A detailed price list for both current and back issues is available on request.