Polarization and Angular Correlation in the Production and Decay of Particles of Spin ½ and Spin32

Richard Spitzer, Henry P. Stapp
1958 Physical Review  
J u ly 1957 UKIYERSITY or CALIFORNIA Radiation tabor* tory Btrkalay, California C ontract Ho* W-7li05-«ng4ifl j^r-ooi » UOO-JT96 * " • FOURIZATIOH AXD A H O U U R CORRBUTIOH XB THE FIODUCTION ABO OECAI Of FARTICU3 Of 9PXK | AXD 5TO £ Xi chard 8p it ta r and Hoary P. Xtapp* t i d U t l o o U b o r tto * /, O a in r itljr o f C a lifo rn ia B arkalty, C aliforn ia Avnuor A f w tw l forutliau describing Aha angular a a m U tlo n and polarlaatlon t f f m i la tha production and aubaaquont daoay of
more » ... article# af w t U r u j r eptn# hat boon developed. I t hat bean apaoUllaad to Mia aaaaa of production and decay o f pavilalaa of opla fc and jj. Xxpretilont for tha angular distribution and polarliatto n of tha decay products have Wan reduced to traotabla ferae involving tha phyaleal vector# af tha frobloi and a ulnlual maibar of puraaetera deecriblng tha production and daoay in teractio n s. Tha r e ta ils ora dlaouaaad for two particular production prooeeae* in order to d el amine O u t In f o m it ion on tha ipln af tha hyparao and tha production and daoay aaohanUoa nay ba obtalnad trm tha anolyalt of tha daoay product#. # Thia wash was perforoed under th a auaploaa of tha 0 ,9 . Atonic Energy C oni a d o n . SGS 002 FOUtXZAYXCtt AW) M O M C O O E U T IC W n THE m O O C TX D R AUD DECAY OF PAKTICU3 O f f t llV } AK> 5 F H | i.,g p iirr ir -1--
doi:10.1103/physrev.109.540 fatcat:wmnroq5oubevbeiw4dpa2i3nla