Case Series of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in Buali Hospital, Ardabil, Iran in July 2018

Fathi Afshin, Adel Ahadi, Maskani Reza, Hosseini Anbaran Sonia, Rashid Sheikh Ahmad Fatima, Ghorbani Maryam
2019 Acta Scientific Paediatrics  
We present an one year-old boy and a 4-month old girl from Iran with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) associated with Leishmania. HLH is not an independent disease but rather a life-threatening clinical syndrome that occurs in many underlying conditions and in all age groups [1] . It is commonly appears in infancy [2] . In our cases, treatment with Amphotericin B was started and first case responded and second case unfortunately died.
doi:10.31080/aspe.2019.02.0139 fatcat:sp3b4nkpc5gsxfqegaajip26e4