Inside the crystal ball of tradition
W szklanej kuli tradycji

Magdalena Woźniewska-Działak
2020 Studia Norwidiana  
The article reviews Agata Seweryn's book titled Between the Worlds. Studies in the Literature of the Enlightenment and Romanticism, accounting for the composition of the book, examining research problems raised in it in greater detail, and discussing essays included in the publication as supplementing existing interpretations of selected Romantic works. Seweryn is argued to draw attention to those aspects that reveal the richness inherent in the discussed works, which are demonstrated as not
more » ... ing been exhausted yet. These works are analysed in the reviewed book by pursing references to the baroque tradition, or by reflecting on their relationship with normative poetics and rhetoric.
doi:10.18290/sn.2020.38-16en fatcat:wsl7m65jkbbzzhv5bbrc2747ge