Хайдарова Ф.А., Каланходжаева Ш.Б., Сиддиков А.А.
2022 Zenodo  
Shereshevsky-Turner syndromy is one of the most common chromosomal anomalies, which is characterized by either the complete absence of one chromosome, or the presence of a defect in one of the X chromosomes. As a result of chromosomal abnormalities in girls, the process of maturation of the ovaries is disrupted, there is a delay or complete absence of puberty and, as a result, the development of infertility. In some cases (more often with a 45,X/46,XY karyotype), gonadoblastoma may develop. In
more » ... are cases, patients with Shereshevsky-Turner have spontaneous puberty. The transition of young women with STS from pediatric to adult care is characterized by high dropout rates and inadequate follow-up, resulting in increased morbidity and mortality.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7463810 fatcat:w3hrsyh3mbbu7eaebz7govapfq