Analysis of the nuclear reactor core of Chernobyl Power Plant for 5 seconds before explosion with three-dimensional spherical space

Yoshio Matsuki, Petro I. Bidyuk
2016 Sistemnì Doslìdženâ ta Informacìjnì Tehnologìï  
Abstracts. This research analyzed the water flow and bubble (void) of nuclear reactor core of Chernobyl Power Plant, for 5 seconds before the explosion, using a mathematical model of two-dimensional spherical coordinates. To solve the problem, we considered this phenomenon as an analogy of Newtonian gravity theory, which had been solved in Schwarzchild Solution. As a result, the calculated radius of the spherical space of water and bubble indicated the maximum limit, at which the reactor core
more » ... st the control of reactor power. And, then, a regression analysis, with exponential model, confirmed the influence of bubble and water to the reactor's power.
doi:10.20535/srit.2308-8893.2016.4.09 fatcat:4v7znvjz4ff3hgejfpkkqmkxsq