The state of endogenous intoxication and the dynamics of changes of trace element homeostasis in experimental acute small bowel obstruction

V. D. Skrypko
2013 Bukovinian Medical Herald  
The author has generalized the results of an investigation of an impaired function of the small intestine, depending on the time of the development of acute intestinal obstruction in the pathogenesis of the formation of the indicators of endogenous intoxication and trace element homeostasis in an experiment on 40 pigs of the Vietnamese breed. It has been established that the course of the disease under the experimental conditions is accompanied with essential changes of the biochemical
more » ... s and trace elements homeostasis in the organism that were dependent on the duration of intestinal obstruction.
doi:10.24061/2413-0737.xvii.1.65.2013.30 fatcat:74l6motkxbgjlkpzrz3sv7t4ze