COMPOSITION OF WATER AND ARCHITECTURE SEEN FROM THE RELATION BETWEEN INTERIOR SPACE AND WATER : A study on the relation of water and architecture in architectural space
内部空間とのかかわりからみた水と建築の構成手法 : 建築空間における水と建築のかかわりに関する研究 その1

2005 Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)  
This study is focused on water that is taken in the Architectural space . The aim of this study is to make a pattern of water and Architecture clear from designer ' s expression te water in contempo 【 ary Architecture 、 and to get a figUre of speech frem that. The rcsult of th4s study can lead to ow architect ' s perceptions and pmposal to water 、 and it gives suggestion to an architecture planning or urban planning that is
doi:10.3130/aija.70.101_2 fatcat:cs6yjbxkbnfndi5o7eqt2ivggy