水平読み出し方式CMOS Active Pixel Image Sensorの開発
Transversal-Readout CMOS Active Pixel Image Sensor

S. Miyatake, M. Miyamoto, K. Ishida, T. Morimoto, Y. Masaki, H. Tanabe
2001 ITE Technical Report  
Abstrftct This paper presents a 320 x 240 pixe1 CMOS active pixel image sensor ( APS ) with a transversal readout architecturc that eliminates the verticaLly stripcd fixed pattern noisc ( FPN ) . There are two kinds of FPNs fbr CMOS APSs . Onc origin 趾 es from the pixe1 − to − pixel varia1ion in source −ib110wer thresho 正 d voltage . and the other is貸 om the column − to − column variation in column rcadout structures , The fbrmer may become ilivisible in the fUturc due to process improvements ,
more » ... However , the latter , which rcsulIs in a vertically striped Fi ) N . is and w 田 be conspicuous without sume subtraction becausc o 「the correlat [ on in the vertical direction . The pixel consists of a photodiode . a row − and a column −reset transistor, a source f ( ) llower input tran9 . istor , and a column − setect transistor instead ofthe row − selecUransistor in com . entiona ]CMOS APSs . The column − seiec 電tran g . istor is connected to a signal line , which runs horizontally instead of verticall } ・ . Every borizontal signal Iinc is merged into a single vertical signa 凵 ine via a row − sel ¢ ct transistor. Tl、e imager exhibits neiIher a vertical nor horizontal stripe FPN .
doi:10.11485/itetr.25.54.0_55 fatcat:4g3vjb22bjbvlo5qftdrefukmy