Cooperative Trajectory and Launch Power Optimization of UAV Deployed in Cross-Platform Battlefields

N. Z. Azeemi*
2021 Zenodo  
Trajectory planning is a complex problem, which involves meeting the physical constraints of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), constraints from the operating environment and other operational requirements. The foremost constraint to be met is that the paths must hold trim-set to maintain a stable flight whether exhibit solo or cluster pattern. Flyable paths are those that meet the kinematic constraints of the UAV. Satisfying this constraint ensures that the motion of the UAV stays within the
more » ... maximum bounds on maneuver curvature. The safety of the path is measured by the ability of the path to avoid threats, obstacles and other UAVs. The path must maintain collision avoidance with other friendly UAVs and also must be flexible enough to avoid environmental obstacles and threats. The high-altitude multi-rotor, large-wheelbase UAV has better loading capacity, wind resistance, and endurance, its application in battlefields can fully reflect its value. The stability control of multi-rotor drones during high-altitude flight is a widely studied issue. First, combining the high-altitude multirotor dynamics model and the simulation modeling method of the multi-rotor UAV under the highaltitude flying wind field environment, the multi-rotor UAV semi-physical simulation platform is constructed and optimized. Secondly, a centralized clustering optimization algorithm CC-HVNA under the heterogeneous air-ground cooperative architecture is designed to implement clustering and coordinate message delivery through the cooperative control of roadside units and base stations. UAV data is uploaded based on network connectivity, and the infrastructure uses the collected UAV information to assist in clustering.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4790378 fatcat:tzxtpb7oa5bq3nv7fmpvfch6ce