Noise Analysis of Single-phase Full Bridge Inverter Circuit using SPICE Simulator

桐畑 美耶, 柳田 進, 高橋 成正
2011 MES  
日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社 IBM Japan A switching control system to convert a form of the power mutually and get desired power, there is a power noise by the switching. In this paper, to understand the theory, 2 level control single-phase full bridge inverter circuits by PWM which converted power into AC-DC was made and analyzed it in SPICE simulator. As a result of transient analysis, a noise having plural frequency ingredients was observed to an output waveform. These frequency ingredients were confirmed
more » ... orrelation with the impedance profile of the circuit. It was found that the noise comes from parallel resonance with capacitors, parasitic capacitance of the FET, and parasitic of the bootstrap.
doi:10.11486/mes.21.0_229 fatcat:3c2omlczbbarhkaroxqunnj3nq