Discovery of a non-native parasitoid, Marlattiella prima Howard (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae) and its non-native host, Lopholeucaspis japonica Cockerell (Hemiptera, Diaspididae) in Central Texas

Kyle Gilder, Kenneth E. Masloski, James B. Woolley, Mengmeng Gu, Michael E. Merchant, Kevin M. Heinz
2020 Journal of Hymenoptera Research  
Sampling of crapemyrtle trees (Lagerstroemia L.) in central Texas yielded the discovery of an invasive scale pest, Lopholeucaspis japonica Cockerell, and its parasitoid natural enemy, Marlattiella prima Howard. These discoveries expand the known range of both the scale insect and the parasitoid wasp in the United States. Marlattiella prima was not recovered in the absence of L. japonica. Of the two counties sampled, Brazos County yielded 26 M. prima individuals and Tarrant County yielded neither M. prima nor L. japonica.
doi:10.3897/jhr.77.53827 fatcat:ci5ts52vinagje44kw3pkgfrty