Synthesis of Real Time Distributed Applications for Cloud Computing

Sławomir Bąk, Stanisław Deniziak
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems  
This paper presents the methodology for the synthesis of real-time applications for the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model of cloud computing. We assume that the function of the application is specified as a set of distributed echo algorithms with real-time constraints. Then our methodology schedules all tasks on available cloud infrastructure minimizing the total costs of the IaaS services, while satisfying all real-time requirements. It takes into account limited bandwidth of
more » ... on channels as well as the limited computation power of server nodes. The optimization is based on the iterative improvement algorithm, which has the capability of escaping from the local extrema, giving better results than greedy algorithms. The method starts from the fastest solution and in the next steps modifies the solution to reduce the cost of hiring the cloud infrastructure. We also present a sample application, that shows the benefits of using our methodology.
doi:10.15439/2014f234 dblp:conf/fedcsis/BakD14 fatcat:loctawfaezap3etxlbp37tzipe