Zorn und Sanftmut

Martin Fritz
The "emotional turn" that has taken place in philosophy and cultural studies since the 1980ies has inspired a renaissance of inquiry around the role of feeling in philosophical ethics. This development is partly intertwined with the renaissance of study concerning the ethics of virtue. Both of these developments, however, have also been influenced by important contri butions from Classical and Enlightenment philosophy. While focusing on one specific issue in the psychology of morals, namely the
more » ... problem of how to negotiate the affect of anger, this essay demonstrates the broader contemporary relevance of Classical ethics and its Enlightenment reception. The focus is on the extensive reflections on the virtue of "Sanftmut" (gen tleness) in the largely forgotten ethical works of some of the most important representatives of German Enlightenment: Christian Wolff, Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, and Georg Friedrich Meier.
doi:10.25784/jeac.v2i0.288 fatcat:q32pmpzrqzckpdhqmnpzf7v264