Research on RSA-based Broadcast Encryption Scheme in Web Multimedia

Xue Liang, Zhongjun Du
2012 Proceedings of 2012 National Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science   unpublished
With the development of web multimedia technology, broadcast encryption schemes play an important role in multimedia services copyright protection. In this paper, we propose a new broadcast encryption scheme based on RSA, besides, we give out two algorithms-smallest power exponent algorithm and improved modular exponential algorithm, to simplify the repeated squaring in RSA. This scheme could reduce the encryption and decryption calculated amount greatly, improve the communication bandwidth and
more » ... deter the forcible attack effectively. In the course of KGC(Key Generation Center) distributing keys, we adopt the different module remainder strategy, thus realizing that when new members jion in, keys needn't be updated, and this could enhance the practicality and security of broadcast encryption scheme.
doi:10.2991/citcs.2012.138 fatcat:kea5aixmoffsnbft7s24xsbb5e