A Comprehensive Study of DYMO Routing Protocol

Saloni Sharma, Anuj Kumar Gupta
2013 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Manet is one of the most popular and frequently emerging type of wireless network. Because of its increasing usability different types of routing protocols have been designed. These routing protocols are designed basically to meet the need of manets such as flexibility, mobility, security etc. Among all the different type of routing protocol DYMO routing protocol is new which is developed by IEFT which is also referred to as a successor of AODV routing protocol. DYMO is considered as the better
more » ... routing protocol in mobile nodes network. In this paper we will discuss its emergence, its working and its characteristics which make it different from other routing protocols.
doi:10.5120/13035-0106 fatcat:tgweo6tdk5gzthktphraz2ykka