Three-dimensional Landau theory for multivariant stress-induced martensitic phase transformations. I. Austenite↔martensite

Valery I. Levitas, Dean L. Preston
2002 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
A three-dimensional Landau theory of stress-induced martensitic phase transformations is presented. It describes transformations between austenite and martensitic variants and transformations between martensitic variants. The Landau free energy incorporates all temperature-dependent thermomechanical properties of both phases. The theory accounts for the principal features of martensitic transformations in shape memory alloys and steels, namely, stress-strain curves with constant transformation
more » ... train and constant, or weakly temperature dependent, stress hysteresis, as well as nonzero tangent elastic moduli at the phase transformation point. In part I, the austenite↔martensite phase transformation is treated, while transformations between martensitic variants are considered in part II.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.66.134206 fatcat:c2nd5klfdzhntbkdf7ycwnydr4