Design of the Integrated Talent Training Mode of Bachelor-Master-Doctor on Labor Economics

Wei Wang, Yonghui Deng, Ping Li, Yingzhe Wang
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 International Seminar on Education Research and Social Science (ISERSS 2018)   unpublished
The impact of technological change on economy and society has forced higher education institutions to give urgently respond. Currently, knowledge structure and ability level has great differences among Bachelor--Master--Doctor(BMD).This paper aims to design cross-level, cross-group, and cross-task connotation talent training mode. And it has applied qualitative analysis methods to design the integrated talent training mode of BMD, based on basic principles, and the composition of elements.
more » ... gh analysis, we have reached a conclusion that integrated talent training model of BMD helps universities to provide comprehensive talents for society.
doi:10.2991/iserss-18.2018.94 fatcat:64ach6nudjbe5mtknxxxu3vk7a