Prediction Performance of Support Vector Machines with Fused Data in Road Scene Analysis

Daehyon Kim
2015 International Journal of Transportation  
Automatic video-based vehicle detection is one of the main research topics in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and is a key element for automatic traffic surveillance systems. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have been increasingly applied to an automatic video-based vehicle detection and a road scene analysis because of their remarkable performance in prediction accuracy. The property of input data for learning on SVMs determines the predictive performance. It is important task to choose
more » ... the best input vectors in order to improve the predictive performance. It is normal to use a single property of input vectors in the application of learning models. However, the composition of different input vectors may affect predictive performance and a new input vector will be created by combining two raw data. In this paper, two information sources of edge information and pixel gray value have been combined to detect vehicle in road scene images and see how the fused data affect the predictive performance in SVMs. The experimental results of this study show that the fused data may provide better performance in predictive accuracy than a raw input data. Moreover, the results show that SVMs could provide much better performance than the Backpropagation model which is the best known neural network.
doi:10.14257/ijt.2015.3.3.04 fatcat:3dx6rnxxcjbyhbiaoeqkzhcv2a