Annotation. Purpose: to analyze the phenomenon of physical culture of the person subject to the methodological approaches its formation in the system of physical education. Material: analyzed 20 literature resources. Results: theoretical analysis possible to trace the emergence of approaches to physical training as a spiritual and physical phenomenon. Defined by its focus on the social and personal problems. Also identify the goals, objectives, content and conditions of physical education.
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... lated conceptual idea: the construction of projective models of formation of physical culture of the person is determined by their axiological, anthropological and ontological components (in some combination of the two interrelated areas of personal development as a body-spirit nature and culture). It is shown that the real number of different models of targets and mechanisms to achieve them. The models are defined stages of individual, social and cultural development of the individual. Models include adaptation, socialization, self-actualization and inculturation. Conclusions: the formation of physical culture of personality based on modern concepts of the general theory of humanistic culture, the theory of human action. This work takes into account the philosophical, pedagogical and psychological aspects. Definition of methodological approaches allows us to construct the projective model of the formation of personality and physical culture reorientation teaching activities in this direction. Introduction 1 Deep changes, which took place in methodology of science, are connected with loosening of steady positions and principles of classic rationalism, in particular mono logic approaches and retentivity of truths; they actualize new understanding of acquired experience and modern trends in development of education, in sphere of physical culture inclusive, in order to reconstruct traditional unified and insufficiently effective, as on to day, system of students/pupils' physical culture. Formation of personality's physical culture is undoubtedly a complex pedagogic task. Research of physical culture phenomenon from philosophical-cultural positions and systemic analysis (V. Balsevich, M. Vilenskiy, Ye. Vilchakovskiy, T. Krutsevich, V. Vydrin, L. Matveyev, L. Lubysheva, B. Shyan et al.) permitted to develop conception "physical culture of personality" and gave birth to a number of fruitful theories, which open value aspect of physical culture, its biological and social, body and spiritual components that help to solve the problem of personality's physical culture's formation in modern physical culture education. Analysis of recent publications shows that application of synergetic [5], cultural and activity's [16], competence [6] approaches provides new information about balanced pedagogic influence both on motion and mental functions, on intellectual and physical abilities, sport abilities of a personality as well as on increasing of physical culture's humanistic functions in formation of personality's physical culture and healthy life style [4]. So, formation of personality's physical culture of students/pupils is an urgent task and requires separate, complex analysis for determination of methodological principles. The research has been fulfilled in compliance with complex plan of SRW "Methodological, content and methodic innovations in professional-pedagogic training of physical culture instructors, in context of credit-module system's implementation" (О109U004948) of theory and methodic of physical culture depar6tment of Sumy state pedagogic university, named after A.S. Makarenko.