2015 Canadian Surgery Forum02 The usefulness and costs of routine contrast studies after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for detecting staple line leaks03 The association of change in body mass index and health-related quality of life in severely obese patients04 Inpatient cost of bariatric surgery within a regionalized centre of excellence system05 Regional variations in the public delivery of bariatric surgery: an evaluation of the centre of excellence model06 The effect of distance on short-term outcomes ...

P. Leung, E. Lester, A.G. Doumouras, A.G. Doumouras, F. Saleh, S. Bennett, C. Fulton, N.J. Switzer, N.J. Switzer, S. Elkassem, M. Auspitz, K. Karol (+1208 others)
2015 Canadian journal of surgery  
Association canadienne des médecins et chirurgiens bariatriques Association canadienne des chirurgiens généraux Association canadienne des chirurgiens thoraciques Association canadienne hépatopancréato-biliaire Société canadienne de chirugie herniaire Société canadienne des chirurgiens du côlon et du rectum Société canadienne d'oncologie chirurgicale
doi:10.1503/cjs.008615 fatcat:gzxaulqjnjgwvcoh25dxhhej6y