Maximization of performance of a PCM – based thermal energy storage systems

Marta Kuta, Dominika Matuszewska, Tadeusz M. Wójcik, P. Dančová, J. Novosad
2019 EPJ Web of Conferences  
Phase change materials (PCMs) are significant in terms of applicability for the thermal energy storage (TES). Thanks to the high thermal storage density and wide range of phase transition temperature they are promising storage mediums for a large number of applications. PCMs can be used to support efficient use of waste or excess heat. Selection of adequate material as well as design of optimal TES magazine are crucial. It is important to choose material which is characterized by suitable
more » ... ature range of phase transition, possibly high latent heat of transition, specific heat and thermal conductivity. Also important features are: ability to work properly after many operation cycles, minimum volume change and gas generation during the phase transition. It is also advantageous when PCM is non-toxic and non-corrosive, non-flammable, non-explosive, environment friendly and easy to recycle. Even the best designed PCMs would not be able to store heat efficiently if the whole magazine and its construction were not good enough. This is the reason why a lot of effort is taken to design effective TES system. The aim of this work is to analyse examples of different configurations of PCM – based thermal energy storage systems. Authors compare selected TES systems and discuss their characteristics.
doi:10.1051/epjconf/201921302049 fatcat:7rxw77bzqnb3zlpkcmpeounfom