Flax Noils as a Source of Cellulose for the Production of Lyocell Fibers

Igor S. Makarov, Lyudmila K. Golova, Alexander G. Smyslov, Markel I. Vinogradov, Ekaterina E. Palchikova, Sergei A. Legkov
2022 Fibers  
The production of long flax fiber for the subsequent production of textile yarn is accompanied by the formation of a significant amount of waste—noils, which is a mechanical mixture of long and short flax fibers and shives. Comparative studies of the structure and chemical composition of the fibrous fraction of noils and shives were carried out using IR spectroscopy. The solubility of shives and flax noils in N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO) was studied, a comparative analysis of the
more » ... l behavior of solutions of flax and wood cellulose was carried out and the optimal temperature–concentration conditions for obtaining flax fibers from noils were determined. It was shown for the first time that using the method of solid-phase activation of the cellulose-solvent system makes it possible to obtain fibers in a short period of time (no more than 10 min). The structure of both the raw material and the resulting fibers was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis. The thermal properties of a new type of cellulose fibers was evaluated. The complex of the conducted studies allows us to consider flax fibers from noils along with flax fibers from long-staple flax, as a real alternative to fibers from wood pulp.
doi:10.3390/fib10050045 fatcat:hm3hel2bq5cjzby2okqxi2qz3e