Laser Scanning Cytometerの画像
Imaging of Laser Scanning Cytometer

Keiji KAWAMOTO, Yuji TSUKAZAKI, Yoshihiro NUMA, Shiguang ZHAO
1999 Medical Imaging Technology  
LSC、 vas designed for detecting the single cells on the slide glass by rapid scanning with the laser beam.This machine sho、 vs the same ability of flow cytOmetry for cell kinetics and is also possible to observe the cell morphology,Imaging of LSC sho、 vs the lDNA histogram、 vith use of PI staining and cell morphology at the same tirne by recall operating system of selected cells frona the histogram.LSC could be applied to the analysis of chromosome,FISEt and pathological diagnosis of biopsy or smear.
doi:10.11409/mit.17.197 fatcat:qxp4fmjlyvez3bugiwvxoc3maq