Knowledge Management Model for Fruit-Horticultural Agroindustry Case: Córdoba - Colombia

Mario Frank Pérez Pérez, Víctor Hugo Medina García
2013 International Journal of Future Computer and Communication  
This article describes the characteristics that the network of knowledge has in the productive chain of fruithorticultural, during the stages of harvesting and post-harvesting, especially in a relevant Colombia zone, the Córdoba department. There, the following components are integrated: technicians, organizations and producers from the fruit-horticultural sector, lined up to a model of knowledge management that describes the main components of this network, schematized by nodes or resources of
more » ... knowledge, that are based upon several internal and external agents that facilitate the process. Its effect is being evaluated according to indicators or conduct of a network of applied knowledge in the Fruit Agroindustry, as in the case of the Córdoba department and the Caribe region of Colombia. Index Terms-Agroindustry, innovation, knowledge management, knowledge network.
doi:10.7763/ijfcc.2013.v2.239 fatcat:eyvirsi27rgsjdobxwfayn3svu