Book review: Teaching for quality learning at university

Christina Davison
2016 Learning & Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives  
In Teaching for quality learning at university, the authors explore the idea that teaching quality can be improved by aligning learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities and assessment tasks through a framework called constructive alignment. The main argument is that to improve the quality of teaching and learning, the focus needs to be placed on what students do in and out of the classroom, rather than on what teachers do. Constructive alignment is the deceptively simple concept that
more » ... ncludes setting a desired learning outcome, designing teaching and learning activities that support student achievement of that outcome, and then designing assessments that measure the achievement of the outcomes. The book is divided into three main sections: Part I sets the context, Part II focuses on the design of constructively aligned teaching, and Part III steps through some implementation examples.
doi:10.18538/lthe.v13.n2.266 fatcat:jtlq27g4fjcxteackcuq2tiw7e